viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

Artist Biography

Leo is a "traditional artist", which means that he lives next to to his easel and drawing table. He assumes this position very soon after being born, more than a half century ago, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Almost right away, he starts pushing pencils, pens or brushes over sheets of paper or boards. He has lived and worked in different countries: Argentina, Spain, Italy, Mexico and many places in the U.S.A. It really doesn’t make too much difference, his horizon is always the same, the boarder of his canvases, the side of a window. Leo has also producing illustrations for a wide variety of fields: comic books, advertising agencies, young readers illustrated books, animation and film industry. He considers himself a very lucky person, being able to earn his life doing what he loves. "My world is expressed in my paintings. My characters, my landscapes, the visions which pass through my mind, the way I see the world. I am enclosed in this world between line and color. These are my joys, my prison, my loves". His current home is in New Mexico, where he shows his original paintings.

2 comentarios:

NovaCynthia dijo...

Hi Leopoldo,

I finally dot a chace to see your blog, good work,
Nova Cynthia

Jorge Claudio Morhain dijo...

Hola, Leopoldo. Quiero comunicarme con vos.

Jorge Claudio Morhain